
92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789


Holiday or Not, We’ve Got to Help

While most of us relaxed and enjoyed their family time over the holidays, others reported for duty early Friday morning. Radek, Anna, and Sylwia joined our bus drivers to evacuate from Lviv people who have been fleeing there from Kharkiv, Kherson, Bucha.

On Easter Monday we were awakened by the news of a rocket attack on Lviv. The train station’s immediate area, where we pick up the refugees, has been hit by five bombs, killing 6 (including a child), and wounding 8. Nevertheless, our coordinators decided to keep going.

Nevertheless, our coordinators decided to keep going. In close collaboration with local law enforcement and Ukrainian volunteers who daily man the station, they managed to evacuate 50 people. Thanks to nerves of steel and thoughtful poise, our team got back in one piece, on the way offering respite and a helping hand to people who only recently hid in basements from incoming missiles. Thank you for your commitment and trust. May the odds be ever in your favor!