Rett Syndrome, or how a disease robs the parents of a child. Sofia is only 10, but she suffers from a very serious genetic neuro-developmental disorder. Rett Syndrome suddenly manifests itself in healthy girls, slowly limiting the functioning of their brains, spinal cords, and nervous systems. Only six months ago, Sofia was still able to stand on her own. Now, she’s rapidly losing the ability to control her own body, while communicating with her becomes increasingly difficult. She needed a specialist wheelchair to facilitate her day-to-day life, to sit safely, to go for walks. It took us under an hour to decide that we’re stepping in. The wheelchair arrived yesterday. For the first time in ages, Sofia was thrilled, excited. For the first time in ages, Sofia went for a walk.

Thank you for your financial support. You put that smile on her lovely face. Every penny counts.
We have received an official thank you from Sofia’s mom: “Good morning. We are from the Ukraine. We came to Poland because the war broke out. Sofia needed a new wheelchair. She can’t walk, she has epilepsy, so we are tremendously grateful to everyone who contributed, especially the Copernicus Group, thanks to whom we received the wheelchair. She really likes it, she’s thrilled. I can tell that she’s comfortable, as she even dozed off in it today. That’s why I’m so grateful, thank you from the bottom of my heart.”
No, mom. Thank YOU for inviting us into this lovely girl’s precious life.