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… and the People We Encounter Ever Braver.

Natalia – Sending her two kids to relative safety in western Ukraine, she decided to stay in Kharkiv and aid the most vulnerable. During the Russian siege of the city, she used her own car to haul dead bodies from the bombed-out neighborhoods to mass graves on the outskirts of town. 

Vova – A 26-year-old suffering from a developmental disorder. He spent most of his life in a home in a nearby town.Natalia evacuated him at the last possible moment, just as the Russians were marching in. They have been living together ever since. Vova helps with the deliveries of humanitarian aid. He openly admits that he is scared. 

Sasha – Nervously circles the pile of rubble that used to be his apartment complex. His cellphone is pretty useless, there is no reception in the basement he and his family now call home.

Zhenia – Sent his wife, mom, and kids to safety in Lodz, Poland, then hung a map of the Kharkiv region on his porch. Each time he hears about a Russian missile, he checks how far from his house it hit.

They all hug us and thank us for our commitment, as if we were doing god knows what, while this is all just soap and kasha. We go back to our cozy homes, leaving them in the bombed-out basements…

We don’t know, how much longer we can keep this up. How long we will keep finding those not yet bored by the war, those still willing to support our cause. As of right now, we’re planning at least one more trip. Always one more trip.