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100 Drawings for 100 Days of War

Our project to encourage Polish kindergarteners to draw postcards for Ukrainian soldiers on the frontlines led to an exhibition at the National Museum of the History of Ukraine in the Second World War!(Національний музей історії України у Другій світовій війні. Офіційна стор.

According to the official press release: “It is not by chance that the Ukrainian-Polish exhibition under this name opened in the National Museum of the History of Ukraine in the Second World War today. The words “Children’s Protection Day” this year, when there was a full-scale armed invasion of the Russian aggressor on the territory of Ukraine, sound particularly poignant and painful. In such dramatic times, children need protection more than ever. They also understand this – both schoolchildren and preschoolers. Even children outside our country. After all, Ukraine, without exaggeration, is fighting not only for itself, but also for the entire civilized world. It is very touching – when boys and girls send their drawings, words of gratitude and wishes for victory to Ukrainian